

姓名 孙兵 出生年月 1987.6
性别 男 学历/学位 研究生/博士
专业技术职务 副教授 硕导聘任时间  2017年

2018年9月-2019年6月 东南大学 仪器科学与工程学院 访问学者
[1] 国家自然科学基金面上项目(61873161). 多AUV协同的港口水下安全防护关键技术研究. 2019.01~2022.12. (59万) 主持、在研
[2] 上海市科委青年科技启明星项目(20QA1404200).港口安全中多AUV协同水下目标拦截技术研究.2020.06~2025.05.(40万) 主持、在研
[3] 国家自然科学基金青年项目(61503239). 基于模型预测的AUV三维轨迹跟踪控制研究. 2016.01~2018.12. (25万) 主持、已结题
[4] 上海市科委“科技创新行动计划”国际科技合作项目(15550722400). 自治水下机器人研发与水下搜救技术. 2015.10~2018.09. (30万) 主持、已结题
[1] 国家自然科学基金委员会-山东省人民政府联合基金重点项目(U1706224),深海载人潜水器故障容错控制与安全自救系统,2018.1-2021.12,350万,在研,参加;
[2] 国家自然科学基金委“共融机器人基础理论与关键技术”重大研究计划培育项目(91748117),多AUV水下协作跟踪方法与实验验证,2018.1-2020.12,79万,在研,参加;
1. Bing Sun, Daqi Zhu, and Simon X. Yang, A Bioinspired Flitered Backstepping Tracking Control of 7000m Manned Submarine Vehicle, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2014, 61(7): 3682-3693.(ESI高被引论文,ESI热点论文)
2. Bing Sun, Daqi Zhu, Chen Tian, Chaomin Luo, Complete Coverage Autonomous Underwater Vehicles Path Planning Based on Glasius Bio-inspired Neural Network Algorithm for Discrete and Centralized Programming, IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems, 2019, 11(1): 73-84.
3. Bing Sun, Daqi Zhu, Simon X. Yang, An optimized fuzzy control algorithm for three-dimensional AUV path planning, International Journal of Fuzzy Systems, 2018, 20(2): 597-610.
4. Bing Sun, Wenyang Gan, Man Mei, Daqi Zhu, Simon X Yang, The cascaded UUV trajectory tracking control based on model predictive and sliding mode control, Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 2017, 25(6): 671-679.
5. Daqi Zhu, Xiang Cao, Bing Sun and Chaomin Luo, Biologically Inspired Self-Organizing Map Applied to Task Assignment and Path planning of an AUV System, IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems, 2018, 10(2):304-313.
6. Bing Sun, Daqi Zhu, Simon X. Yang, A Novel Tracking Controller for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles with Thruster Fault Accommodation, Journal of Navigation, 2016, 69(3): 593-612.
7. Bing Sun, Daqi Zhu, Simon X. Yang, Real-time hybrid design of tracking control and obstacle avoidance for underactuated underwater vehicles, Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, 2016, 30(5): 2541-2553.
8. Bing Sun, Daqi Zhu, Zhen Hu, Simon X. Yang, Fault tolerant control and tracking application of 7000m manned submarine vehicle, IET Electrical Systems in Transportation, 2015, 5(3): 135-144.
9. Bing Sun, Daqi Zhu and Simon X. Yang, A novel tracking control approach for unmanned underwater vehicles based on bio-inspired neurodynamics, Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 2013, 18(1): 63-74.
10. Bing Sun, Daqi Zhu, Lisha Jiang and Simon X. Yang, A novel fuzzy control algorithm for three-dimensional AUV path planning based on sonar model, Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, 2014, 26(6): 2913-2926.
11. Bing Sun, Daqi Zhu and Simon X. Yang, A Bio-inspired Cascaded Approach for Three-dimensional Tracking Control of Unmanned Underwater Vehicles, International Journal of Robotics and Automation, 2014, 29(4): 349-358.
12. 孙兵,朱大奇,邓志刚.开架水下机器人生物启发离散轨迹跟踪控制方法研究.控制理论与应用,2013,30(4):454-462.
13. 孙兵,朱大奇,杨元元.基于粒子群优化的自治水下机器人模糊路径规划,高技术通讯,2013,23(12):1284-1291.
14. 朱大奇,孙兵,李利.基于生物启发模型的AUV三维自主路径规划与安全避障算法.控制与决策,2015,30(5):798-806.
15. Daqi Zhu, Chen Tian, Bing Sun, Chaomin Luo, Complete Coverage Path Planning of Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Based on GBNN Algorithm, Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems, 2019, 94(1): ‏ 237-249.
16. Daqi Zhu, Man Mei, and Bing Sun, The Tracking Control of Unmanned Underwater Vehicles Based on Model Predictive Control, International Journal of Robotics and Automation, 2017, 32(4): 351-359.
17. Wenyang Gan, Daqi Zhu, Weili Xu, Bing Sun. Survey of Trajectory Tracking Control of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles, Journal of Marine Science and Technology-Taiwan, 2017, 25(6): 722-731.
18. Daqi Zhu, Chunlei Cheng, and Bing Sun, An integrated AUV path planning algorithm with ocean current and dynamic obstacles, International Journal of Robotics and Automation, 2016, 31(5): 382-389.
19. Zongrui Huang, Daqi Zhu, Bing Sun, A multi-AUV cooperative hunting method in 3-D underwater environment with obstacle, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 2016, 50:192-200.
20. Daqi Zhu, Xun Hua and Bing Sun, A Neurodynamics Control Strategy for Real-Time Tracking Control of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles, Journal of Navigation, 2014, 67(1): 13-127.
(1) 孙兵、朱大奇、褚振忠、陈铭治、甘文洋、程学龙,一种无人潜水器模型预测容错跟踪控制方法,2020.06,中国,ZL201811295067.7.
(2)朱大奇、孙兵、邓志刚、白桦、曹翔、顾诚诚, 一种全覆盖水下搜救装置及其搜救方法, 2016.05, 中国, ZL2013100443669.3
(3)邓志刚、朱大奇、孙兵、袁芳、王能军, 水下机器人的水下本体装置及自主避障方法, 2015.7.15, 中国, ZL201510177010.7
(4)褚振忠、朱大奇、孙兵、曹翔、邓志刚、甘文洋, 一种水下非接触式分离检测装置, 2014.6.27, 中国, ZL201410295749.3
(5)褚振忠、朱大奇、薛迪、孙兵、杨桂耿、周至悦, 一种水下云台装置及控制方法, 2015.5.6, 中国, ZL201510025085.3

1. 2018年度上海市科技进步奖二等奖,《无人潜水器智能水下搜寻关键技术及其应用》,第9
4.2012年上海市科技进步二等奖, 《水下机器人故障诊断与容错控制关键技术及应用》, 第6
5.7000米载人潜水器的生物启发反步跟踪控制, 浦东新区优秀论文一等奖, 2016
1.2020年 “西门子”智能制造挑战赛:自由探索方向 初赛全国一等奖,指导教师
3.2019年第八届全国海洋航行器设计与制作大赛, 基于仿生机械手臂的水下机器人,指导教师
电子邮箱:hmsunbing@163.com,  bingsun@shmtu.edu.cn
